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Syndrome X and the SAD

Syndrome X, or Metabolic Syndrome, appears to be more commonplace in Western Society.  This condition is characterized by fat accumulation primarily in the belly area, known as central fat.  One or more of the following problems are present: Elevated Blood Pressure,...

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Toxins in Vaccines

Many people are convinced that Vaccine manufacturers are committed to the health and well-being of the Vaccine’s recipients.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  Marketability and profit margin are tantamount to Big Pharma’s Vaccine business.  It has become a...

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Health Shortcuts

People always say, “Let me do this for you real quick.”  There is an obsession with speed as opposed to efficiency.  This is especially the case when it comes to health.  Fast food is fat food, leading to a state of dis-ease.  The cookie-cutter approach affects every...

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Fast Food and Fast Healthcare

When most people eat fast food, they are usually not delusional enough to believe they are eating healthy food.  Most fast-food places began as small restaurants that lost their souls to a corporate bottom line after franchising.  Cheap ingredients and low pay for...

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Eat and Remember

My Grandmother (Bubbie) watched me often in my youth, and there were many tasty meals to be remembered.  She raised 5 children during the Great Depression with a sick husband who could not work.  She did it by making food for single folks that would buy enough to feed...

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Calorie Counting

The term “Calorie” is never was a unit of nutrition.  Specifically, it is a unit of Physics and Energy, the amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. The value of a nutrient ingested by a person for food is not a measurement of Physics.  It...

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Wheat Loss: The What of Wheat

  Wheat Loss: The What of Wheat by Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor Let’s face it, Wheat is ubiquitous in almost everyone’s diet. It is in all kinds of food, from Vegetarian Brats to Soy Sauce, candy, Bloody Mary mixes, lunch meats, and even wine coolers, as a...

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Gluten Free Vs. Organic

Gluten Free vs Organic by Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor There is a remarkable proliferation of Gluten sensitivity and Gluten Intolerance diagnoses and self- diagnoses lately. While heightened awareness is part of the reason for this increase, the dramatic...

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Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk by Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor Coffee is the popular drug of choice for many. It is, after all, legal and available in specialty shops and restaurants everywhere. Excessive consumption supposedly doesn’t affect operating a vehicle or heavy...

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Nuke my food? No, Thank You

Nuke my food? No, Thank You By Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor Most budget priced restaurants and many more upscale restaurants increasingly use microwave ovens in food preparation, sometimes exclusively. Many people “nuke” their leftovers and pre-prepared meals...

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Love, Chocolate, and Broccoli?

Love, Chocolate, and Broccoli? Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor I enjoy both broccoli and chocolate, without combining them in the same bite. Steamed or stir fried, broccoli is full of nutrients and tasty. Imagine boiling it for awhile and then cooling it. Now...

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Unhealthy Food Cravings

Why We Crave Foods That Are Unhealthy For Us Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor I changed my diet radically to lose about 30 pounds and help my Diabetic condition. I drastically reduced wheat and dairy and dramatically increased my raw food intake to about 75%. I...

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Pain Food

Pain Food by Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor Pain can be your friend. It’s that gentle tap on your shoulder or swift kick in the butt that tells you to pay attention and fix something wrong with your body. Once you are fixing it, though, enough is enough. How...

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