Degenerative Disc Disorders
Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor
Degenerative disc problems can be severe and painful. They are commonly diagnosed in most people in their 40s to 50s. Often, they are diagnosed and give no symptoms. As we age, the discs dry up and shorten in height as a matter of course, causing an actual loss of height. While this compromises the shock absorption capability of the disc, it does not preclude recuperation from a lumbar disc problem in most cases. Sometimes this is accompanied by infiltration of calcium into the disc or near it. All of this can be due to wear and tear from repetetive motion irritation.
I have found though, in my experience, that an effective DNFT® Chiropractic adjustment targeted at the disc subluxation in any plane it is analyzed in accompanying a thorough DNFT® vertebral, muscle, and ligament adjustment frequently resolves the “degenerative disc” symptoms in short order.