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Failed Back Surgery

Failed Back Surgery

Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor

There are essentially two kinds of surgery that are performed for spinal problems.   Microsurgery is performed through a probe that is relatively narrow and relatively noninvasive.  Conventional surgery is sadly invasive and risky, albeit sometimes necessary.

Once surgery is performed, including microsurgery, instability is created for several reasons.

Symmetry that is normally present is no longer there, as surgery is rarely performed with this in mind.  This lack of symmetry creates muscular and ligamentous imbalances, and causes weakness which will force the body to accomodate.  This accomodation will eventually lead to a relapse in most cases, after several years.

Surgery is often invasive, which leads to collateral damage to adjacent tissue, which becomes a cause of further problems in and of itself. The mechanical, metal, and plastic parts that are inserted can fail in form and function over time.

Supportive structures are excised or altered in many surgeries, creating imbalances.

Adhesions often take place after the healing process has begun, causing further problems with alignment and the nervous system.

The sequellae, or subsequent conditions that ensue relate to the relative weakening of the spine and supportive structures that are part of the functional unit that the vertebrae are but a part of.  Sometimes alignment is affected as well.  Areas above and below the surgery often try to accomodate and compensate eventually becoming a problem themselves.  After a surgery a gentle, non invasive DNFT® Chiropractic adjustment often mitigates post surgical issues.