Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor
Sciatica is a common variety of radiating nerve pain characterized by burning, aching, or knifelike pain down the back of the thighs or calves. This is usually accompanied by a duplication of the pain when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or bearing down (known as Valsalva’s sign), indicating bulging lumbar discs. Sciatica is usually caused by an alignment problem in the vertebrae of the lumbar spine causing nerve interference (subluxation). A lumbar disc bulge in the L4-L5 articulation usually accompanies this. Often, other lumbar segments are subluxated, with accompanying disc bulges. More severe cases are accompanied by an antalgic lean, where one hip appears to sway outward to the side. The body usually accomodates to try and prevent further prssure on the lumbar disc involved. Sciatica is typically caused by poor lifting practices, repetetive motion injuries where the person bends or twists, childbirth and pregnancy, poor form at the gym, and the “weekend warrior” syndrome.
Correction of the problem with DNFT® Chiropractic care can often be completed in several weeks.