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TMJ and Cranial Adjusting

TMJ and Cranial Adjusting:

Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor

DNFT® Chiropractic has a specific approach towards the alignment of the cranial bones, facial bones, and the Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ).  The alignment is a Chiropractic one in basis, albeit non force.  Most Cranial alignment systems are Osteopathic in nature, which is oriented towards restoring blood and fluid flow (Cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF). In DNFT® Chiropractic, we believe that unlocking the alignment issues in the Cranials, Facials, and TMJ facilitate normalization of this flow.  There are recent advances in adjusting the sutures themselves for alignment as well as the cranial bones utilizing the Directional Non-Force Technique®.

Aligning the TMJ and the TMJ capsules, or TMJ discs, can sometimes dramatically affect the ability to open and close the jaw properly. Adjusting this area, often in concert with adjusting the upper cervical vertebrae can reverse a frozen jaw instantly, when it is the cause of the problem.