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Raw Chocolate

Our fascination with Chocolate began in Central America with the Olmecs. It spread through Mayan and Aztec cultures to Europe and then the world. This amazing substance is rich in nutrients, including Antioxidants, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Potassium,...

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Why Eat Raw Food?

Back in the days of early education for all of us, we learned in Chemistry class of the effect of heat on chemical reactions.  Chemical bonds changed when heat was used.  It is considered a catalyst in early Chemistry classes.  Further study reveals the extensive...

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Soaking and Sprouting Chart

Seed, Nut or Grain, Soak Time, Sprout Time Adzuki 12 hours 3-5 days Alfalfa 8 hours 2-5 days Almonds 8-12 hours 12 hours Barley 6-8 hours 2 days Brazil Nuts  N/A Buckwheat 6 hours 2 days Cabbage 4-6 hours 4-5 days Cashews 2-2 ½ hours N/A Chickpeas 12 hours 12 hours...

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Raw Sprouted Almonds

Why and how to sprout almonds? Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor   Sprouting almonds makes your almond milk low in carbohydrates and fats and fills them with easy to digest vegetable protein.  When any nut or grain is sprouted, it becomes alive. Carbohydrates...

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Love, Chocolate, and Broccoli?

Love, Chocolate, and Broccoli? Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor I enjoy both broccoli and chocolate, without combining them in the same bite. Steamed or stir fried, broccoli is full of nutrients and tasty. Imagine boiling it for awhile and then cooling it. Now...

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Why Eat Raw Foods?

Why Eat Raw Foods?  by Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor Raw food, also called Live food, is therapeutic for some and a lifestyle for others. The history of this movement is ancient, of course, as are many forms of natural healing.   The first people to begin...

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Why We Should Soak Our Nuts

Why should we soak our nuts? by Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor Did you ever notice that when you eat more than a few raw nuts or seeds that your digestion is affected? The reason is that nuts and seeds are ultimately baby potential plants and trees. Given the...

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