Back in the days of early education for all of us, we learned in Chemistry class of the effect of heat on chemical reactions. Chemical bonds changed when heat was used. It is considered a catalyst in early Chemistry classes. Further study reveals the extensive effects of heat on our food.
Heating oil is known to be somewhat too highly toxic, depending on the oil and type of heat. While light pan frying in olive oil is relatively nontoxic, microwaving trans fats is high on the scale towards toxicity. Raw Food demonstrates far less degradation during preparation, leaving vaster quantities of digestible nutrients made far more bioavailable for easy absorption.
Strictly therapeutic diets originated in Modern times with Norman Walker and Dr. Max Gerson. Their groundbreaking books are entitled, “Raw Vegetable Juice,” and “A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases,” respectively. In these diets, raw food was used as a curative, initiating the Modern concept of healing nutrition followed in many Natural Medicine fields today. A 100% raw food diet tends the body to detoxify in a large way. The addition of raw food to a SAD may have the effect of creating detoxification. Ramping up your use of raw foods in a nontherapeutic situation is probably a good plan. Raw desserts are a good introduction to the wonders of the raw food world. I heartily recommend the introduction of this kind of nutrition for everyone.