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Low Back Pain

Low back pain

Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor

Low back pain is typically characterized by localized pain or stiffness in the low back.  When unaccompanied by radiating nerve pain, it is relatively simple to treat in many cases, particularly when it is of acute and recent origin.  Chronic cases can be more complex, usually when the history involves repeated insults to the lower back over time.  Another complication is repeated irritation due to work or play.

Low back pain is usually accompanied by mild to moderate disc bulges between the subluxated vertebrae. These are usually very correctable with a DNFT® Chiropractic adjustment, along with the corresponding vertebrae, ligaments, and muscles.

I participated as a one of 22 Chiropractors in a study that was published in 2011.  All 8 of my patients responded well within 5 visits and were released. The dramatically positive results are available in pdf here.

Often, a patient needs to relearn how to perform seemingly routine actions in order to hold an adjustment, as illustrated in my brochure, How to Avoid Subluxating Yourself.