Orthotic Fitting and Supplies
Dr. Harlan Sparer, Tempe Chiropractor
As you might guess, I look at feet quite a bit. I began to notice how feet would lay when a patient is face up and face down. It is more difficult to evert the feet with the D.N.F.T.® Chiropractic leg check when the feet lay assymetrically. I found that I could adapt if I concentrated so it became a non-issue. I began to ponder why the feet were assymetrical and if this would affect a patient’s ability to maintain an adjustment.
As I continued to ponder this, I was introduced to Dr. Ed Glaser’s work. His orthotics consider gait as well as the shape of the bottom of the foot. I have been fitting patients with these orthotics by choice. Dr. Glaser has degrees in both mechanical engineering and podiatry and takes a different view towards foot mechanics, just as I take a different view towards how I adjust my patients. While virtually all orthotics are based on a heel cup and a cushion in essence, Sole Supports orthotics consider the entire foot’s mechanics. An orthotic impression is taken with the foot in motion, rather than being static. The result is a full contact orthotic that conforms to the shape of your foot throughout its motion.
Orthotics are helpful for foot problems such as Morton’s Neuroma, Plantarfacsitis, bunions, and hammer toes, among other problems with the knees, hips, and low back. These problems are either caused or aggravated by excessive pronation, a condition many people have when they stand or walk. Simple visual examination of the foot is usually a clear indicator of the need for orthotic support.